Earning the Texas Risk Reduction Specialist certification will help you identify—and avoid—potential liabilities in your transactions.
This isn’t a one-size-fits-all course. You must complete the 3-hour Introduction to Risk Reduction. Then you can tailor the other required 12 hours of electives to your business—commercial, residential, property management, or brokerage and management issues.
Visit dandick.net/trrs to get more information and see upcoming course dates.
I cannot find the Model Tenant-Selection Criteria Form, or the Model Privacy Policy Form. Both were referred to in the Realtor magazine Jan-Feb 2014 issue on page 17.
On your current website, the “Risk Reduction” section only addresses the Risk Reduction Specialist course. It does not contain the 2 above forms.
Can you help me find the forms, or email them to me?
These forms look valuable and I need them ASAP.
Thank you,
D. Claire McAdams
They are located here: http://nc4f.dandick.net/members/legal-and-ethics/resources/manuals-and-guides/